Instead of leaving it to chance, why not pick the most favorable birth information for your baby? As the saying goes, “It is every parent’s wish to raise children who are happy and successful”. Grand Master Phang will pick the best possible date to avoid conflicting energies and the best possible bazi that blesses the career, relationship, wealth attributes and many more for your beloved baby. As such, choosing an auspicious date and time for the delivery of your baby will establish the foundation needed for a lifetime of success.

All dates are personally selected by Grand Master Hillary Phang.


择日产子,让孩子顺遂一生。 人的天性取决于生辰八字,随着医学昌明,出生日期逐渐可以预判。透过挑选吉日,进行剖腹手术,让孩子选在最好的时日出生,为他们先扫除障碍,未来的道路将会走得更加顺遂。

What You Will Get

The report for Selection Of Auspicious Date For Cesarean Birth will be ready in 10 working days (upon submission of complete information). In our comprehensive report, it will include the ideal C-Sect delivery date & time. This is inclusive of a 30-min consultation with Grand Master Phang on the personality analysis of your baby based on Zi Wei Dou Shu (Ba Zi) Astrology.

Information Required

Pre-submit the following information once you have confirmed our service

  • Chinese names of parents
  • Birth information of parents in the format of DD/MM/YY, Birth Time (according to the birth certificate and Gregorian calendar)
  • Baby’s gender
  • Baby’s birth order (if any siblings)
  • Doctor’s recommended date and time of C-sect, and country of operation (if any)
  • Doctor’s availability: if there is any date and time preferred and/or to be avoided